Motherflag-Future project
Flowers,papers,Lines,waste fabric
Dimensions variable
This work is supported by National Culture and Arts Foundation.
Dimensions variable
This work is supported by National Culture and Arts Foundation.
I was born after the “Made in Taiwan” era, so the memories of farmland only occurred in grandparents’ places and their generation. For those like my grandparents that underwent the era of “Made in Taiwan,” leaving the village means they can catch up with the new economic boom and live a wealthy life. By then, there were a lot of small communities popped up between village and city, which are gathered by teenagers who left the village but yet couldn’t afford the lives or buying houses in the city. These communities are far from the village, but not too far that ones can still reach the farmland if they want. So on holiday the parents would take their kids back to the village to visit their farmer grandparents. But for the kids, this conceptual distance is still there, when it comes to the timeline, they know better about when a video game is coming out than when we can harvest the rice spike.
Some experts predict in the coming half century, India as economically fast growing country will have a huge impact on the world. When I see these Niv School students and notice they are going to catch up the wave of “Made in India,” I wonder what kind of a future is waiting for them, where will they go, and these kids from the villages, what will be the changes on these farmer kids and their farm land?
In this work, I use some waste fabric that I got from the cloth factory, and invite students from Niv school to collect materials they can find in the farmland. We held a workshop together about weaving a flag of the memory and the link between the kids and the land. After the exhibition, the flag will be buried under the playground of Niv school. Until 2050 when those kids become the core of the society and we will get the flag out again.
(This is a rough translation of the original in Chinese)
Some experts predict in the coming half century, India as economically fast growing country will have a huge impact on the world. When I see these Niv School students and notice they are going to catch up the wave of “Made in India,” I wonder what kind of a future is waiting for them, where will they go, and these kids from the villages, what will be the changes on these farmer kids and their farm land?
In this work, I use some waste fabric that I got from the cloth factory, and invite students from Niv school to collect materials they can find in the farmland. We held a workshop together about weaving a flag of the memory and the link between the kids and the land. After the exhibition, the flag will be buried under the playground of Niv school. Until 2050 when those kids become the core of the society and we will get the flag out again.
(This is a rough translation of the original in Chinese)
Niv school是一所位於德里衛星市鎮「諾伊達」的小學,學校的位置恰好位在諾伊達的農村與城市之間。大部分農村的家長無法負擔私立學校龐大的教育費用,在公立學校路途遙遠的狀況下,只好選擇讓小孩輟學。Niv school恰好彌補了這個缺口,為農村小孩提供免費的基礎教育。來此就學的孩子從八歲到十四歲都有,依程度分為三個班級,主要學科有印地語、英文、數學、自然科學、社會與藝術,學校提供學生制服與學習所需的一切。
在Made in Taiwan時代結束後才出生的我,對於農田的印象只停留在小時候務農的祖父母家中。對經歷過Made in Taiwan時代的上一輩人而言,能夠離開農村代表得是趕上Made in Taiwan經濟起飛的浪潮,過得上富裕平穩的生活。因此當時在農村與城市之間出現了許多小型社區,聚集了這些離開農村,但尚未有足夠的經濟能力在城市買房居住的年輕人。這些社區距離農村遙遠,但又沒有遠到無法親近農田的距離,假日時父母仍能夠帶著小孩回農村探望務農的祖父母,但對孩子而言,這樣的距離已經足夠讓生命經驗與土地產生隔閡:相較稻子何時結穗,他們更清楚遊戲公司哪時候推出新的遊戲。
一些專家預測未來半世紀內,經濟快速成長的印度將會對世界產生極大的影響力。當我看到即將趕上Made in India浪潮的Niv school學生時,我不禁思考,什麼樣的未來正在等待他們、他們會到哪裡去,而這批農民的孩子,他們與土地的關係又會因此變成什麼樣?
在這個計畫當中,我使用了一部分所成衣工廠所提供的碎布材料,請Niv school的學生蒐集了當下農地裡所能得到的材料,共同編織了一面連結他們當下與土地關係的旗幟。這面旗幟將在展示過後,埋到Niv school的遊戲場底下封存,直到2050年,這些受到Made in India浪潮所影響的Niv school學生成為社會中堅份子時,再次取出。
在Made in Taiwan時代結束後才出生的我,對於農田的印象只停留在小時候務農的祖父母家中。對經歷過Made in Taiwan時代的上一輩人而言,能夠離開農村代表得是趕上Made in Taiwan經濟起飛的浪潮,過得上富裕平穩的生活。因此當時在農村與城市之間出現了許多小型社區,聚集了這些離開農村,但尚未有足夠的經濟能力在城市買房居住的年輕人。這些社區距離農村遙遠,但又沒有遠到無法親近農田的距離,假日時父母仍能夠帶著小孩回農村探望務農的祖父母,但對孩子而言,這樣的距離已經足夠讓生命經驗與土地產生隔閡:相較稻子何時結穗,他們更清楚遊戲公司哪時候推出新的遊戲。
一些專家預測未來半世紀內,經濟快速成長的印度將會對世界產生極大的影響力。當我看到即將趕上Made in India浪潮的Niv school學生時,我不禁思考,什麼樣的未來正在等待他們、他們會到哪裡去,而這批農民的孩子,他們與土地的關係又會因此變成什麼樣?
在這個計畫當中,我使用了一部分所成衣工廠所提供的碎布材料,請Niv school的學生蒐集了當下農地裡所能得到的材料,共同編織了一面連結他們當下與土地關係的旗幟。這面旗幟將在展示過後,埋到Niv school的遊戲場底下封存,直到2050年,這些受到Made in India浪潮所影響的Niv school學生成為社會中堅份子時,再次取出。
Workshop in Niv school, India, 2017
The Intersection and Quandary- The Generations of “Made in Somewhere” in Taiwan and India
Crossing On-line Magazine, Write in Chinese, Author LI Kuei-pi, Nov.13, 2017
換日線 李奎壁
換日線 李奎壁