Good Bye Mr.Chiang
Ready-made from Factory, Headphone, MP3
Dimensions variable
Dimensions variable
This work is a part of “Relationship Studio Project”, co-worker CHIANG Ming-Chun, introduction write by LI Kuei-Pi
In 1975, Chiang Kai-shek(Mr.Jiang),the president of the Republic of China and the chairman of the Chinese Nationalist Party (i.e. Kuomintang), passed away of illness. At the same year, the Executive Yuan issued an executive order that every township must set up a statue of Chiang. The brass foundries, which were used to manufacture daily commodities, were among those who had received greatest impact over this government’s order.
During this project, I managed to find those technicians and part-time workers who had participated with the process of statue-casting at that time. Meanwhile, I’ve collected some articles abandoned inside the brass foundry, mostly from the staff lounge, including: a plenty of porn-figure clips cut out of the betle nut’s boxes by an anonymous worker, health-care information clips out of newspaper, and some drawings scribbled during the break time. These articles have displayed not only the working atmosphere at that particular moment but also how things have changed at this brass foundry for more than 40 years.
As a peculiar anecdote to be mentioned, in the year before the exhibition, there was a dispute occurring between the art museum and the brass foundry staff over the copy right of some artworks. That has become the motivation of another artwork in this exhibition, in which I consciously reproduced an artwork that belongs to the museum by applying the waste collected from inside its building.
Special thanks TSAI Ping-Ju
(This is a rough translation of the original in Chinese)
In 1975, Chiang Kai-shek(Mr.Jiang),the president of the Republic of China and the chairman of the Chinese Nationalist Party (i.e. Kuomintang), passed away of illness. At the same year, the Executive Yuan issued an executive order that every township must set up a statue of Chiang. The brass foundries, which were used to manufacture daily commodities, were among those who had received greatest impact over this government’s order.
During this project, I managed to find those technicians and part-time workers who had participated with the process of statue-casting at that time. Meanwhile, I’ve collected some articles abandoned inside the brass foundry, mostly from the staff lounge, including: a plenty of porn-figure clips cut out of the betle nut’s boxes by an anonymous worker, health-care information clips out of newspaper, and some drawings scribbled during the break time. These articles have displayed not only the working atmosphere at that particular moment but also how things have changed at this brass foundry for more than 40 years.
As a peculiar anecdote to be mentioned, in the year before the exhibition, there was a dispute occurring between the art museum and the brass foundry staff over the copy right of some artworks. That has become the motivation of another artwork in this exhibition, in which I consciously reproduced an artwork that belongs to the museum by applying the waste collected from inside its building.
Special thanks TSAI Ping-Ju
(This is a rough translation of the original in Chinese)