Incident of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park
The Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park (now Jing-Mei White Terror Memorial Park) used to be the “Jing-Mei Military Detention Center” in Ershizhang, Xindian District. During the martial law period, it was the detention center and military courts for processing political, military and criminal cases. After the Ministry of National Defense transferred the site to the Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA) for renovation in 2007, it was registered as a historic building before the CCA commissioned the Peng Ming-min Cultural and Education Foundation for the operation of the site, which was then renamed the “Taiwan Human Rights Memorial.” In 2008, after the party alternation, “human rights” was removed from the name of the title, and the site was planned for arts and cultural organizations. The change caught the attention of human rights groups; and eventually, “human rights” and “culture” were used to set the tone for the park. The year of 2009 was the 30th anniversary of the Formosa Incident, and the CCA subcontracted various organizations and groups for different events and activities. These included “Democracy Blooms on Formosa: The 30th Anniversary Exhibition of the Formosa Incident and Exhibition of Historical Materials from White Terror Political Cases” organized by the New Taiwan Cultural Research Foundation; “Beyond the Wall—Contemporary Art in Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Culture Park: Wen-Fu Yu Solo Exhibition” by Yu Wen Fu Art Studio; “Time・Memory: Taiwanese Comfort Women Human Rights Film Festival” presented by the Taipei Women’s Rescue Foundation; “Labor Value” planned by the Wintek Corporation Youth Factory Industrial Union and the National Federation of Independent Trade Unions (NAFITU); and “Exhibition of the History, Historical Artifacts and Materials of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park” by Color Cabinet Design Studio.
Among these events, artist YU Wen-Fu was commissioned to create a public art project – “Beyond the Wall,” for the “Vice Admiral Wang Hsi-Ling’s Special Unit” in the park, which was criticized for celebrating the director of the secret service agency by CHEN Chia-Chun, a human rights worker and family member of White Terror victim, who then vandalized the work several times. After the vandalism, the CCA did not take any active actions. Moreover, due to the controversial tender and administrative procedures of the exhibition series, the incident triggered extensive discussions. In the serial reports, titled “Controversy of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park” on Coolloud, TANG Huang-Chen stated that because victims and human rights groups were absent from the preparatory consultation meetings convened by the CCA, the events never received any equitable suggestions. WANG Mo-Lin asserted that the issue of White Terror was rendered flattened because the CCA planned the park via “procurements,” and the flattening process was accelerated by the artist’s emphasizing on the work being “devoid of ideologies.” CHEN Chia-Chun’s action against the artwork, and the politically correct and decontextualized political reference both reflected characteristics of the totalitarian regime. Therefore, all three parties had faults in this case. In “Examining Cultural Policy and Its Implementation from the ‘Incident of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park’: Forum Series of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park, Part III” included in issue no. 211 of Artco Monthly, discussant SHIH Long-Sheng asserted that the term of each director general of the CCA was too short, and the directors of every office rotated every two to three years. Consequently, the cultural policy was not effectively implemented. TANG Huang-Chen and YAO Jui-Chung believed that procedures of arts and culture-related tenders and the “Government Procurement Act” had to be reviewed. To CHEN Tai-Sung, the power of the CCA was not adequate to deal with the various issues occurring at the time. Therefore, the only solution was to establish a “Ministry of Culture” and perfect the cultural policy so that such problem could be effectively improved.
After the incident of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park, artists and cultural workers launched a Facebook forum page – “Whom Did the Council for Cultural Affairs Protect?” for more discussions. YU Wen-Fu later was accompanied by family members of White Terror victims to de-install his work before the exhibition was officially ended. After the National Human Rights Museum was established in 2018, the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park was renamed the Jing-Mei White Terror Memorial Park. (Text/Li Kuei-Pi/2021)
Publication Reference:
.Editorial Department of Artco Monthly (compilation). “Examining Cultural Policy and Its Implementation from the ‘Incident of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park’: Forum Series of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park, Part III.” Artco Monthly, no. 211, 2010.4, pp. 158-65.
Among these events, artist YU Wen-Fu was commissioned to create a public art project – “Beyond the Wall,” for the “Vice Admiral Wang Hsi-Ling’s Special Unit” in the park, which was criticized for celebrating the director of the secret service agency by CHEN Chia-Chun, a human rights worker and family member of White Terror victim, who then vandalized the work several times. After the vandalism, the CCA did not take any active actions. Moreover, due to the controversial tender and administrative procedures of the exhibition series, the incident triggered extensive discussions. In the serial reports, titled “Controversy of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park” on Coolloud, TANG Huang-Chen stated that because victims and human rights groups were absent from the preparatory consultation meetings convened by the CCA, the events never received any equitable suggestions. WANG Mo-Lin asserted that the issue of White Terror was rendered flattened because the CCA planned the park via “procurements,” and the flattening process was accelerated by the artist’s emphasizing on the work being “devoid of ideologies.” CHEN Chia-Chun’s action against the artwork, and the politically correct and decontextualized political reference both reflected characteristics of the totalitarian regime. Therefore, all three parties had faults in this case. In “Examining Cultural Policy and Its Implementation from the ‘Incident of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park’: Forum Series of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park, Part III” included in issue no. 211 of Artco Monthly, discussant SHIH Long-Sheng asserted that the term of each director general of the CCA was too short, and the directors of every office rotated every two to three years. Consequently, the cultural policy was not effectively implemented. TANG Huang-Chen and YAO Jui-Chung believed that procedures of arts and culture-related tenders and the “Government Procurement Act” had to be reviewed. To CHEN Tai-Sung, the power of the CCA was not adequate to deal with the various issues occurring at the time. Therefore, the only solution was to establish a “Ministry of Culture” and perfect the cultural policy so that such problem could be effectively improved.
After the incident of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park, artists and cultural workers launched a Facebook forum page – “Whom Did the Council for Cultural Affairs Protect?” for more discussions. YU Wen-Fu later was accompanied by family members of White Terror victims to de-install his work before the exhibition was officially ended. After the National Human Rights Museum was established in 2018, the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park was renamed the Jing-Mei White Terror Memorial Park. (Text/Li Kuei-Pi/2021)
Publication Reference:
.Editorial Department of Artco Monthly (compilation). “Examining Cultural Policy and Its Implementation from the ‘Incident of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park’: Forum Series of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park, Part III.” Artco Monthly, no. 211, 2010.4, pp. 158-65.
- CHIU, Pei-Ching. “Controversy of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park, Part I—A Fight between Human Rights and Art? The Government is to Blame.” Coolloud. (
- SUN, Qiong-Li. “Controversy of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park, Part II—Wang Mo-Lin: The Taiwan Garrison Command Lives in Chen Chia-Chun’s Mind.” Coolloud. (
- Contemporary Art in Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Culture Park: Wen-Fu Yu Solo Exhibition. “Yu Wen Fu Art Studio’s Statement Regarding Ms. Chen Chia-Chun’s Vandalism of ‘Beyond the Wall’ at the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Culture Park.”
- The National Human Rights Museum – Jing-Mei White Terror Memorial Park.
景美人權園區事件(Incident of the Jing-Mei Human Rights Memorial and Cultural Park)
- 典藏今藝術編輯部整理,〈由『景美人權園區事件』檢視文化政策與施政:景美人權文化園區系列議題座談之三〉,典藏今藝術,211期,頁158-165,2010.4。
- 邱佩青,〈景美人權園區爭議之一—人權與藝術之爭?政府是最大兇手〉,苦勞網
- 孫窮理,〈景美人權園區爭議之二—王墨林:陳嘉君心裡住了個警總〉,苦勞網
- 景美人權文化園區當代藝術創作展—游文富個展,〈游文富藝術工作室針對景美人權文化園區當代藝術展「牆外」作品遭陳嘉君女士破壞事件聲明稿〉
- 國家人權博物館「白色恐怖景美紀念園區」